Deadlines & Fees

Public offer

Conference proceedings will be included in the Web of Science Citations Index.


Expression of interest: if you have any questions, please, write to the any time
Full paper submission: July 20th 25th, 2016 (extended!)
Notification of acceptance: August 10th 28th, 2016 (due to the great amount of high quality articles we had to move the date of notification)
Camera ready manuscript submission & payment deadline: September 21st, 2016
Conference events: October 5th–7th, 2016


Pulication fee is 100€ per article. Please, do not pay until the confirmation letter receivement. Please, send us ( a copy of the bank receipt with the paper ID so we can include your publication in the conference proceedings.

Payment details

Payment details for transferring funds in EUROS:
BANK NAME: Sberbank
(Head office – all branches and offices in Russia) Moscow
BENIFICIARY ACCOUNT: 40503978638110200323
BENIFICIARY: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
ADRESS: Miklukho-Maklay Str., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia
CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: № 10094987261000; Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main (SWIFT – DEUTDEFF)
In the purpose of payment must specify:
«Payment under the contract-offer №3316856000864 from «30» July 2016 for participation in the XIIth International Symposium Intelligent Systems 05-07.10.2016. ID 0111601»

Payment details for transferring funds in Russian rubles:

LEGAL ADDRESS:  117198, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklay str., 6
ACCOUNT №: 40503810900054000001
BIC 044525187
CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT №30101810700000000187
CHECKING ACCOUNT №: 40503810900054000001
In the purpose of payment must specify:
«Payment under the contract-offer №3316856000864 from «30» July 2016 for participation in the XIIth International Symposium Intelligent Systems 05-07.10.2016. ID 0111601»

In case you pay via your organisation, please, send us your organisation bank details, so we could issue an invoice.